Friday, February 22, 2013

BP Propaganda

Emeril- This video uses the propagnada technique of testimonial. Emeril is a big name that most people recognize him and would listen to what he has to say. It also uses the fallacy of half truths. This is used when Emeril tells how he is hurt by the oil spill and believes we are doing the best to solve the problem.

Athletes-Transfer is used to create a good image for BP. It allows the company to look like they are proAmerica or truly American, which fosters patriotism in viewers. The fallacy used in the ads are appeal to ignorance. Most people don't actually know if the conditions in the gulf have improved or not but the way the ad plays that the athletes are overcoming sturggles.

BP- This comerical uses the proganda technique of cardstacking. They use the facts that the gulf is better now because the Gulf tourism is better now than it was in the past.The fallacy used is cofusion of correlation vs causation, BP is trying to make it seem as though they created what all these tourists are coming for when in reality they actually destroyed a lot of it because of the oil spill.

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Subject: I think that the subject of this song is being and individual who is not blind to what is going on around them.
The speaker uses phrases like "you can scream and you can shout" or "Don't question my authority" to show that he is himself, strong and aware of what is going on around him. He knows that he has power and that no one is going to make him conform to society.
Theme:Do not conform to society.

Loss of Innocence

Innocence is purity, ignorance and unknowing.

Innocence can be lost. Innocence is ignorance, so when a person experiences and learns they begin to lose that innocence. Their purity becomes tainted and their innocence is lost.

-The woman who is naked symbolizes her innocence. She is innocent and doesn’t know that being unclothed is wrong. The others in the picture are trying to cover up the woman to remove her purity.

-Around the women it is bright, but outside of that it is dark. The darkness in the picture is somewhat creeping into the light. This shows that the darkness is losing innocence trying to steal away the woman’s innocence.

-The man has black wings. Wings are often something thought of as innocent and angelic, but the darkness of the wings show that he no longer has his innocence.

Young Life

1. The little boy doesn’t feel like he belongs in the group. He has a stick because he has nothing else to accompany him, so he has to play with his imagination. He is standing off away from the couple and doesn’t really seem to be part of them.
2. The deer is placed above the family to show that the man is proud that he can provide for his family. He went out and worked hard to get the deer so that he can provide for his family.
3.The painter wants to show that people should rely on themselves by going out and working hard to get what they need. The man went out and got the deer instead of relying on someone else to do it for him.

Don't You Want Me

In the song "Don't You Want Me", there is a conflict between a girl and a guy. The two had dated in the past, but are now broken up. The guy doesn’t think the break up was completely fair to him. He feels as though the girl only used him ( to become famous). He thinks she just broke up with him after learning everything he could teach her. However, the girl completely disagrees. She thinks she made herself who she is and it certainly wasn’t with the help of the guy. She thinks that she made the right choice by moving on. They both want to be right, which is why they are conflicted. The girl feels better about the situation if she believes she is right, and the guy feels the same way.
I have had similar conflicts with my brother about who gets to be on the computer. Once, he thought that he deserved the computer because I had been on it “all” afternoon. I felt that I should have the computer because I had been working on a project on the computer all afternoon, so I just then had time to have free time on the computer. We argued because we both felt that we had rights to the computer.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


This song by the Beatles was written during the 1960s, which was a time of civil rights movements. I think that the song is about the civil rights movement because it has symbols throughout it which contribute to my belief.

Symbolic words:
-"waiting for this moment to be free" This phrase is symbolic of the freedoms the African Americans in the 1960s where fighting for. All this time they had just been waiting until the moment arose for it to finally come true.
- "the light of the dark black night."The light in the dark of night symbolizes hope when hope is no where to found. Light allows you to see in the dark to find your way. The African Americans where treated horribly for so long that it seemed dark with no way out. The light finally came giving them hope to be able to come out of the darkness they had been facing.
- "Take these broken wings and learn to fly" Broken wings are symbolic of the troubles that have brought you down in the past. The African Americans of the 1960s had gone through so much and had little hope of things ever changing but they still took what they had and tried to change it(learning to fly)


The song "Shame" by The Avett Brothers has a guilty tone. This is evident through various lines in the song. One line says, "Blame, please lift it off", this shows how the narrator is feeling guilty for all he has done in the relationship because a person usually doesn't feel guilt until someone is blaming them for all they have done. Another line says, "I'd like to see those things undo". By saying this the narrator shows how he feels guilty for doing thing that he will never be able to undo but he wishes that he could. The final line says,"I couldn't help them now I can" which shows that even though he is feeling guilty he feels like he can do something to fix it. Guilt is usually consciously solved by a person making up for what they have done, which is what the narrator is attempting to do.